Tuesday, November 14

Age: 10 wks
Weight: 16 lbs (7.2 kg)!

Troon had an enormous amount of energy today as well as an enormous appetite.

At times she displayed some fairly bizarre behaviour, like digging a tunnel behind her den only to come out the other side and dive back down in the other direction. I suppose it was relatively normal for a puppy though.

She is steadily learning to sit, come, wait and fetch - but she's also quite sneaky in that sometimes she checks to see if I have a treat for her, and if I don't, she takes off.

Troon is also getting quite good at her signals to go outside, although there are still the occasional accidents.

Grandma's sessions with Troon took their toll on the way home this afternoon - going to sleep three times on the coach journey (woken by her own snoring!). Troon says 'thanks for stopping by and see you when I hit 20kg!'

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