Wednesday, November 8

A lot has been happening around here lately! We're back from New York and had a fabulous time running the marathon, which took us 4 hours, 2 minutes, not to mention left us with an incapacity to walk down any stairs.

I'm glad to say this is finally wearing off and we're now embarking on our second marathon of the week - otherwise known as Troon. What is normally a 2 1/4 hour journey back from Lincoln, turned into a 3 3/4 hour journey last night, courtesy of the A1. Troon was an absolute star; sleeping, looking out of the window and playing in the back seat most of the way. She was even helpful enough to try to drive at one point!

A few picks of the last 24 hours... Troon with Jim, one of her wonderful breeders, and a few snapshots of Troon settling into her new home. As you can see, she is enjoying her kennel - though she didn't exactly sleep through the night. Overall, she did pretty well though - we are particularly pleased with her snuggle safe puppy. If pictures are worth a thousand words - these ought to be worth at least a thousand snores!

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