Age: 18 wks
Weight: 29.5 lbs
My back right leg is healing up nicely from the bite. Even better, vet Liz excused me from getting any stitches :) I hung out with Tracey, my dog sitter, Jessie (my Staffordshire Bull Terrier friend -
bring it on, Border Collies) and the rest of their gang yesterday. We went for two walks and had lots of playtime, so I was very sleepy by the time mum & dad came home from work. I'm a bit more awake this morning, so keen to get on with another day of play.
I'm really getting bigger now - less wrinkles, more muscle around my head. My weight is coming along - though I was down a bit last week from all of the holiday fun & games, I've managed to catch back up and am still keeping with the average two lbs per week.